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The Fey 2nd Age is Here. 
The Fey 2nd Age is Here.

The Fey now have their 2nd Age available to them. They Fey are in Peril. The Mortal World bleeds through the thin veil of reality and the timeless Fey must focus inwards for strength or risk their immortality forever. …

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The Genesys Project Updates: 2nd Age Fey Preview page! Create a Faction Coming
The Genesys Project Updates: 2nd Age Fey Preview page! Create a Faction Coming

Its one of those odd weekends, and I wanted to get out a preview for the playtesters and those that are just getting into the Genesys Project. We have a lot going on over the next month...... Including a Create a Faction Contest for the Reptilia! …

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Contributions and Upcoming Releases
Contributions and Upcoming Releases

The Genesys Project is in high gear coming off of our first public demos at the Nova Open. There is a lot that has happened, including game distribution, customized gaming aids (mats, dice, markers), and much more. …

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2nd Age Preview: The Power of the Fey, Gain a new level of Customization
2nd Age Preview: The Power of the Fey, Gain a new level of Customization

The Fey do not evolve as the Humanoids do in the 2nd Age of the Genesys Project. Nor do they simply get additional traits and powers within their Spheres of Influence. So what is happening with the Fey in the 2nd Age? …

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Fey Create a Faction Contest Winner: The Cyhyraeth
Fey Create a Faction Contest Winner: The Cyhyraeth

Its long overdue but we have a winner now for the Fey Create a Faction contest. Its been quite the delay to getting the results for this, and several in house playtesters as well as myself and the crew from the Nova open were involved in looking at the factions submitted. …

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Creating Your Faction is Now Easier!
Creating Your Faction is Now Easier!

Earlier today.... or perhaps it was yesterday, the new Create a Faction Reference Sheets went up on the site and are available for download. This makes creating your faction, and seeing the build differences between the various Life Domains, much easier to see.  Lets get a preview of them, and then…

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The Genesys Project Hits the Nova Open
The Genesys Project Hits the Nova Open

The Nova Open was the first public demonstrations of the Genesys Project showing off its mechanics and possibilities. It was an amazing show, with over a 100 demo's done in a few short days. There was a ton of feedback as well as many people being introduced to the game for the first time. …

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New Updates are Live: v3.62
New Updates are Live: v3.62

The Genesys Project has new updates on the site now. You can get them here simply by inputting your product key that you should have access to with any newsletter updates. (its at the top of each one) …

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1st and 2nd Age Seishin Previews
1st and 2nd Age Seishin Previews

The Nova Open is closer and closer, and just about everything is getting wrapped up and ready to board a plane to fly across the country. The Genesys Project will have two armies there able to play and show off the game in both the 1st and 2nd Age of the Genesys Project. Yesterday we previewed the …

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The Genesys Project Live at the Nova Open in Arlington Virginia
The Genesys Project Live at the Nova Open in Arlington Virginia

August 30th is when the Genesys Project heads out to it's first public showing at the Nova Open in Arlington Virginia. Its a few short days away now, and with it, I wanted to share a little of what we bringing there. …

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Moving and Shooting: A Look at Recoil X
Moving and Shooting: A Look at Recoil X

There has been some work done on clearly defining ranged weapons and how far the model shooting it can move. While this was originally going to be a set thing... Heavy Weapons are Heavy Weapons, and Stationary ones are Stationary, there was requests for more detail involved, which again allows for …

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Heroes are Born from Tribulation, Not Made. It is then they become Legends.
Heroes are Born from Tribulation, Not Made. It is then they become Legends.

Earlier we were discussing the new HeroPlay and Adventure Narrative Campaigns set into the Genesys Project. Since then Ive received quite a bit of feedback wanting to know a little bit more. So lets do a quick reveal of just how this works..... …

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HeroPlay The Way Games are Meant to be Played
HeroPlay The Way Games are Meant to be Played

Heroes are not something you just create in the Genesys Project... Instead they are born from your games. This allows you to really have tremendous fun creating heroes from games where through luck or skill, individual models excel.... and become Heroes. …

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Game Overview and Playthrough
Game Overview and Playthrough

Been busy designing your faction in Genesys, and not yet hit the tables? Here is an overview and playthrough of a 500pt demo game highlighting some of it's features. …

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Playtester Focus + Inexpensive Way to Find Models for Your New Army $30+
Playtester Focus + Inexpensive Way to Find Models for Your New Army $30+

Playtesters..... There is a couple areas that are in need of testing, and feedback. The new focus for the next couple months will be on the 2nd Age, starting with Humanoids. Here are a couple items of interest to get you going, but anything 2nd Age related is welcome. …

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How To Create a Faction Video
How To Create a Faction Video

More of a quick demonstration video, this gives some insight for new players to the game on what it takes to create your own faction. These videos + more are being set up. A game-play overview is next up and should be ready this weekend, or by Monday at the latest. Let me know what you think. …

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The Genesys Project Introduction Video...
The Genesys Project Introduction Video...

Its time now that we start releasing videos to introduce players to the game. This is simply the first, but next up are How to Create a Faction, and Playing the Game. We will get into the depths of the game, and into some of the nuances of game play and tactics. So enjoy the first of several videos…

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Genesys Project Army
Genesys Project Army

This one I wanted to show off what an army for the Genesys Project looks like. OK, that could vary a lot, but this army has a lot of fun tactics and takes advantage of some of the fun things like longer threat ranges, medium chain, cavalry, casters, and more. …

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New Updates are Live! v3.1 the Reptilia
New Updates are Live! v3.1 the Reptilia

All the books have been updated to v3.1 adding in Updated Powers and abilities. There are lots of updates from your feedback, and we are always looking at much more. To download the current version of the rules, grab your Product Code on this email, and head over to…

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Big Updates Coming This Week: Fey Powers and the Reptilia Life Domain
Big Updates Coming This Week: Fey Powers and the Reptilia Life Domain

There are some huge updates coming for the Genesys Project. Its so big that its going to be impossible to list everything out. However, lets get a quick overview of what is going on, so that you can get prepared for these. …

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Your Input Needed: Fey Powers
Your Input Needed: Fey Powers

There is a big update coming to the Genesys Project, and for those of you actively involved, or want to be, we need your help with the first part of this update. …

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May30th at Midnight is the last Chance for the Fey Create a Faction Contest
May30th at Midnight is the last Chance for the Fey Create a Faction Contest

Time to get your last minute entries in for the Create a Faction Contest. There has been several unique entries for the Genesys Project's new Domain, The Fey, that really show off just how diverse the new Fey factions can be. The Create a Faction Contest ends on the last minute of the month May 30t…

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What's Next for the Genesys Project?
What's Next for the Genesys Project?

Next up for the Genesys Project are the Reptilia. The Reptilia are very much near completion already, and although the new Domain rules for them will be live for in-house testing this weekend, will be holding off releasing them for yet a few more weeks. …

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6 Days left: Fey Create a Faction Contest
6 Days left: Fey Create a Faction Contest

There are only 6 days left to join in the fun for the Create a Faction contest. The last day to submit entries will be the last minutes of the month at midnight. May 1st at exactly 12:00am pst is the deadline, and entries after that will not be considered for the contest. …

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Fey Design Sheet Links Here. 
Fey Design Sheet Links Here.

I apologize these are not quite up yet, so until we get them up on the site, here is a link to both the Fey Species and Unit Design sheets. …

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The Create a Faction Contest is Going
The Create a Faction Contest is Going

We are starting to share in the factions created for this contest, and urge anyone interested in playtesting to jump on board and create a faction or two. This greatly helps move the game forward as we get to see a lot of factions from your ideas and even discover shortfalls or more places that nee…

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New Species and Unit Creation Sheets Coming for the Fey
New Species and Unit Creation Sheets Coming for the Fey

I am working on new Species and Unit creation sheets for the Fey. I expect to have them available sometime on Monday. In the meantime, go ahead and submit your Fey factions. I will begin sharing these immediately on Monday. …

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The Fey v2.8 is Available Now, + Core Rules and Humanoids
The Fey v2.8 is Available Now, + Core Rules and Humanoids

The latest updates for the Humanoids Primarius, Core Rules, and Fey Apocryphōrum are updated now to v2.8. There are a few changes that need to be addressed. First: The first and most important is that abilities are now all at the back of the Core Rules. This simplifies things, and puts them all in …

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The Fey Create a Faction Contest
The Fey Create a Faction Contest

The Fey Apocryphōrum has been updated along with many other rules to version 2.8. This coincides with the start of our Create a Faction Contest for the Fey. …

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Fey Updates, Balancing, New Sub-Classes, and Powers
Fey Updates, Balancing, New Sub-Classes, and Powers

There has been a lot of great feedback, and the next update for the Fey are coming Monday. That means if you have comments or questions, please send them in either directly to or using the feedback forms on the Genesys Website. I want to encourage players to get their feedback in be…

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Create a Faction Contest for Fey
Create a Faction Contest for Fey

Now with the Fey out, we are looking at the next Create a Faction Contest. Its time to get yourself familiar with how the Fey work. There has been updates, feedback, and starting April 1st the Fey will have their own Contest. …

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The Fey are now updated to v2.6
The Fey are now updated to v2.6

The Fey are now updated live to v2.6 from your feedback, questions, and playtesting. There are some new things in here to be aware of, so lets dive in and take a quick look at what is going on. …

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New Playable Life Domain: The Fey- Available Now
New Playable Life Domain: The Fey- Available Now

The Fey are now available to the open beta. In it there are countless options to create and advance your species whether you are creating a Faction for the Fey, or wanting to take your Humanoids beyond reality with forbidden knowledge. The possibilities are big, so lets take a look at a few things …

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The Paths of the Fey
The Paths of the Fey

The Paths of the Fey The Fey exist within their own realms dedicated the Spheres of Influence that you select, which grants them their abilities and powers. Dedicated to the Light, Darkness, or the realms between, you select the Spheres of Influence that will define your Faction. …

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Cross-Over Factions
Cross-Over Factions

Cross-Over Factions A Cross-Over species or faction is one that starts off in one Life Domain, and ends up in another. Factions that use multiple Life Domains are classified as Cross-Overs Factions.  Included are …

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The Shadows of the Twilight Realms
The Shadows of the Twilight Realms

The Twilight Realms are the most closely related to reality and the most basic elements that are its foundation. These include Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and the fifth element the Ethereal. Outside of the Elements, there are the Primordial forces that first came together to create all that exists, th…

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The Fey are Coming: Updates on When we will get them
The Fey are Coming: Updates on When we will get them

The Fey are coming, and while there are a few hang ups delaying it a little, Im projecting that we will see it live Monday. That said, we will be looking for your feedback once released through the week and following weekend. …

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The Lure of Darkness
The Lure of Darkness

The Lure of Darkness promises absolute power and control. Its abilities are beyond reproach, and many who would seek its powers find themselves corrupted, overtaken, and transformed. Without the Light of the Heavens, the Realms of Darkness wallow in death and decay, their realms ever dying in the a…

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Fey Previews: The Ascended
Fey Previews: The Ascended

The Fey Previews Continue: You have heard of the Undead as being part of the Immortal Fey. Undeath is a Sphere of Influence on the Path of Darkness, but more interesting is that every Sphere of Influence has an Opposing Sphere, and in this case I want to introduce to you the Ascended. …

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Fey Weapons and Armor: Sphere of Truth
Fey Weapons and Armor: Sphere of Truth

We are starting off our preview of the Fey today with a look at their weapons. The Fey create powerful weapons and armor in a much different way than the Humanoids do. A Fey's Weapon and Armor enhancements come from "Imbued" powers granted to them within their sphere of influence. Lets take an earl…

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The Fey are Coming- A Look Ahead.
The Fey are Coming- A Look Ahead.

The last newsletter was just too far past, and I wanted to give everyone a heads up that some exciting things are on the horizon, starting next week. …

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Updates are Live! Humanoid Primarius 2nd Age v2.1 
Updates are Live! Humanoid Primarius 2nd Age v2.1

The updates for the 2nd Age Humanoid Primarius are now live, and you can download that will. This is the first update to the 2nd Age beta for Humanoids, and there will be more coming. I know I have been asked, and just so everyone is aware, Powers are not updated this time around, although we will …

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The Genesys Project Create a Faction and Event News
The Genesys Project Create a Faction and Event News

A couple Important things to briefly go over today, starting with the Create a Faction Contest. The winner has been selected, and due to inclement weather and holidays killing several in-house playtest sessions, the announcement took longer to happen. There were several factions that were tested an…

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2nd Age Humanoid Primarius Release
2nd Age Humanoid Primarius Release

Available now is the long awaited 2nd Age update for the Humanoid Primarius. In in are rules for Cybernetics, Vehicle Design, Robotics, and much more. The second age takes us into and beyond our real life modern times, taking your factions to the brink of the Apocalypse and beyond. …

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Vehicle Design and Customization Primer Part 1: The Genesys Project
Vehicle Design and Customization Primer Part 1: The Genesys Project

The Genesys Project is about putting your armies under your own control, not just on what you field on the tabletop, but with a level of unprecedented design control over what your army's abilities and units have and the equipment they use. Ever wish your favorite gun for your army had a little lon…

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