Heroes are not something you just create in the Genesys Project... Instead they are born from your games. This allows you to really have tremendous fun creating heroes from games where through luck or skill, individual models excel.... and become Heroes.
To see what we are about, simply go to www.thegenesysproject.com and register for your very own product code to download the Open Beta rules.
All books v3.3 will be live as soon as it posts, so check the site.
Not only were Heroes added, but a whole new way to play... (not really new, but new for the Open Beta). HeroPlay are groups of Heroes working together in groups (often with other classes as well) working towards their primary missions.
Not only that, but Ive added in a hint of what Adventure Narrative Campaigning will look like. This is a combination of standard games and HeroPlay that can end in huge epic battles.
The Campaign and Mission Rules have been updated, as well as many other traits and powers from your feedback. Thank you!
Here are a couple previews....... With all the new updates, gaming through the Genesys Project has never been so much fun.
Still new to this project.... Here is what is what it is about.
<iframe width="520" height="340" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/yCa0Nw7J_XM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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