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The Fey Apocryphōrum has been updated along with many other rules to version 2.8. This coincides with the start of our Create a Faction Contest for the Fey.

The Create a Faction Contest is where you get to create your faction using the Fey Apocryphōrum. The purpose to not only show off the Fey Domain, but to select at the end of the contest a Fey Faction that will be used in demo games and eventually in our starter sets for the Genesys Project.

This means that we will be looking at every entry through the month and selecting one. Any faction using the Fey Apocryphōrum is eligible, including cross over factions. So get to it, and  submit your faction.... you may enter as many times as you wish.

Please use the Species Creation sheets (even though I know these need to be updated for the Fey)

and for your classes, please use these

We will be sharing entries "anonymously" during the event, highlighting the game's racial build mechanics. To give new players joining our community a fighting chance, we will be running this event through the month, with the final deadline announced soon, depending upon the number of entries we receive.

The winner will have their race featured in the Fey Starter for the Genesys Project, and your name will be there as well (assuming you want to be credited).

Please email them to

Please make certain you are using v2.8 for the contest.


  1. Please make certain you are using v2.8. It will go live later today.


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