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The Fey now have their 2nd Age available to them.

They Fey are in Peril. The Mortal World bleeds through the thin veil of reality and the timeless Fey must focus inwards for strength or risk their immortality forever.

New Updates.......

  • New Format for the Life Domain Book, allowing an easier to read and plan format for multiple ages of gameplay.
  • 1st Age new traits are available to balance out the Fey give more flavor to the several Spheres of Influence. Death, Time, and others been slightly changed or altered
  • 2nd Age new Traits and Powers for every single Sphere of Influence! Over a 100 for the Fey to take control of in the 2nd Age
  • Otherworldly materials introduced, allowing your faction to take advantage of special metals or minerals. Adamantium, Mithril, Aetherstone, and Titanite.  
  • Devotions are for Archlords to specialize in to create their own unique conclaves. Archlords of Rage, Hatred, Loyalty, Trust, Horror, and many more can not be created. 
  • Converging Spheres of Influence allows for Paragons to literally forge their own Spheres of Influence from existing known traits. Concordant Spheres are those with the same alignment while Discordant Spheres combine opposing Paths of the Fey together as one. 

Already have your product key? Simply head over to the Genesys Project here and download the latest Beta Test rules.

You will be updating to 
The Fey Apocryphōrum v4.25
The Genesys Project Core Rules v4.25

If you don't have your product key but are already registered.... you should have a newsletter in your email with your product key on it. 

For everyone else.... Join the Open Beta here 


  1. Replies
    1. Kaelo, The Genesys Project is in an open beta currently that is scheduled to last through february. Its mostly on schedule. Afterwards the game will take a short bit of time to move to pre-orders.

      For models. The game is intended to allow full customization, and not intended to compete against other companies and their models. The game itself is always first. (you see this done quite the opposite a lot).

      With all the options that are in the game, we want players to use existing models you have, new models from other companies, and eventually (down the road) we will be producing miniatures.

      There are some fun things coming up in the new year, (loosely planned atm) there will be a competition among Shapeways sculptors on creating a faction and a miniature for it.

      Also its very likely that we will have our first test models done here shortly for the game from digital sculpts of our primary contributing artist Jia Hao. We are hoping to having a couple of these to show off in January.

      When pre-orders are up, it currently will consist of the core rules + 5 Life Domains, plus gaming mats, dice etc. The site will also contain a faction builder and list builder for games. (already in the works).

      Let me know if there are any questions.

    2. Nice one. It all sounds really good. I can't wait to see some of your models though. I don't mean this in a negative way or even as a dampener but for me the models are what drives me to enter into a game. I already have games for my existing models you see? If you start doing some models that tie-in with the exceptional work yourself and the artist are doing I would find it very hard not to jump on it lol. Fine work as ever Natfka! I look forward to seeing the future :)

    3. Here is a link to Jia's work and his digital sculpts. Granted these are not dedicated yet to Genesys, although we have some tests hopefully soon.

      Part of the plan of launching a game is not overstep ourselves (like a lot of gaming companies do). This is why our plan is small steps forward (and no kickstarter) when it comes to releasing the game.


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