One of the hardest things to do inside the Genesys Project is to decide what to do with your faction. Lets make that decision a little easier..... There are 5 Domains of Life. You must select one;
Humanoids, The Fey, Reptilia, Biests, or the Insekt.

If you have been to the Official Genesys Project have good starting point.

We are going live to Kickstarter July 12th

So we are going to expand upon this briefly for each domain........

Humanoids are often the most versatile of all the domains and include many different variants, from Giants, Dwarves, Orcs, Elves, and different variations in between. Some of these variants cross over into the other domains, such as the Fey-born (can be elven like), and the more Feral variants like Orcs crossing over into the Biests. Lycanthropes, Monsterous Mounts, and many other options can take your faction from a high fantasy (like riding drakes) style force to a much more historical one (like Spartans).

Humanoids create their factions from categories of traits; Genetic Mutation, Environmental Adaptation, and Knowledge and Science. Humanoids are one of the more righteous domains, ready to dominate others that do not bend to their own views of what is right and wrong.

The Fey exist outside of Reality but their strength comes from the emotional energy emanating from the mortal beings into the Ethereal. For the Fey, light and darkness are tangible, unbending, unbreakable, and the very essence of what they breathe. These are your Angels and Demons.

All traits for the Fey come from Spheres of Influence, realms of mortal emotions and beliefs. These Spheres are divided into Light, Darkness, and the Twilight Realms. When creating a Fey Species, you begin by choosing which path to walk, which divines what Spheres you have access to for your species.

While the Path of Light includes Spheres such as Truth, Courage, and Heroism; the Path of Darkness contains Spheres such as Pain, Deciet, and Corruption. The Twilight Realms are closer tied to Reality and consist of the basic elements of reality, Earth, Water, Fire, and Earth, as well as the more Primordial Spheres of Order, Chaos, and even Time.

The Reptilia see less into the ideals of of the other domains, instead lacking much of the empathy of the other domains. They include Draconics, Dinosaurs, Troglodytes, Ophidians, Saurien and more.
Reptilian Lineages form the structure of their traits with direct bloodlines that reach far back into their past towards the all powerful Leviathan that once guarded the Genesys Worlds and is considered the origins of all Reptilia.

Reptilia select their traits from within lineages, gaining greater trait access to a preferred lineage. Degenerative Species also exist creating such creatures as Drakes, Basilisks, and Nagas. The Reptilia in general are faster and stronger than their more Humanoid counterparts, who rely upon equipment and technology to cover their weaknesses.

The Biests are considered offshoots of Humanoids and are tied to the Biestial Kingdoms. The Biest Kingdoms include Ursidae (Bear), Canus Lupis (Wolf), Ovis (Goat), Taurus (Bull), and many more. These Biestial Kingdoms form the foundation of the Kingdoms from which they are able to tie regional traits to.

While wildly varied, the Biests have Mutation, Adapative and Spiritual/Knowledge categories similar to the Humanoids, but have access limited dependent upon the The Kingdoms chosen. Between the Domains, the Reptilia and the Biests often are the most Characterstic (stat) driven of the domains (sometimes called the Wilderness Domains), being bigger, faster, and tougher than their other domain counterparts.

The Insekt are built upon their classifications to grant them their base characteristics (stat lines), and then further into Orders where specific traits are found. Classifications are the Insecta, Crustacea, Arachnea and others. Inside these classifications you will find mantids, Vespids, Formicadae, and Dipterans. These grant a wide variety of very specific traits that specialize the Insekt granting them preferable abilities and bonuses that are very unique to the Insekt.

Once your Classification is chosen, and traits taken from the orders there a couple categories of traits that are somewhat familiar, Genetic Morphology Traits, Environmental Adapation, and Communication and Knowledge. Inside these the Insekt build upon their natural weapons and defenses to really help develop or even mutate the Insekt into new forms.

Finally hidden within, are the Cordycepts and Armillaria Fungi, both being large fungi that have adapted to control and dominate using the Insekt for centuries.

The domains are where you start when you create your factions. Of course it may not be exactly where you end up as you continue to evolve your species. Many factions often take cross over traits, taking traits and abilities from other domains that are quite possible in many areas of the book, from Forbidden Lore, Fey-born, Lycanthropes, and much more. Even magical powers from the Fey are often discovered and used by the domains in many different ways granted access through the Occult, Shamans, Wizardry, Warlocks, and Sorcerers.

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The Genesys Project goes live July 12th


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