The first age is the Birth of Genesys, where the races struggle to gain a foothold on the Genesys Worlds, engaging in conflicts with other species both new new and ancient. Its an age of violence and growth, where the fight for survival and dominance is an everyday event.

The Birth of Genesys

The Setting
The 1st Age of the Genesys Project is set within a Fantasy Medieval setting and is the starting place, the birth place of most factions that will be created by (you) players. While you can create your faction in any Age of the game, most of our play testers choose to start at the beginning to create that rich narrative history and background for their factions.

The 1st Age is full of visceral in your face combat. While it might be possible to get a battle with little to now melee, I haven't seen it. Melee combat is often quick and deadly. Those not supported by others, or able to dominate by sheer force of might are quickly torn asunder. The 1st Age really feels like close melee combat is almost certain every time you in a game.

Also known as spell-like powers that many factions delve into one way or another. The 1st Age has a plethora of methods for channeling these powers, although mastery is still more of a learned skill, even for the player to not surpass the Mortal Thresholds of his/her casters. You can customize your powers, adding new attributes to them and thereby increasing their range, strength, duration and of course their difficulty in casting.

While vehicles may be on the top of the want to design list in other ages, the 1st Age is fully adept at creating Monsters of almost any level, even granting wide access to the faction's domains. Here you can create Dragons (how fun), Chimeras, Giants, and just about any type of Monster you are thinking of.

Monsters are just terrible though, whether their claws drip armor shredding acid, or they breathe lightning. Sending your monsters into combat to rip into the ranks of soldiers is sometimes what your game is all about.

While you can customize your equipment by adding new attributes to existing weapons/armor, there is plenty of specialized equipment available, from Pikes, Polearms, early firearms, and heavy armors. There is a ton of equipment throughout the first age, including many different types of swords (arming, long, 2 handed, dual wielding), bows (hunter bows, longbows, re-curve bows) and larger military weapons like Scorpios, Cannons, Mortars, Catapults, and Ballistas.

Im excited to get everyone going on the First Age in the Genesys Project. Remember we go live with the first Kickstarter on July 12th! You will want to get in this early for a special add on that will only be available for the 1st 48 hours.

Just a little over a week away!

Need more information on the Genesys Project?
Official Site



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