Heroes are Born from Gameplay is a common phrase in the office here at Genesys Games. This is something of a bit of pride as we get to make heroes of our own from the sometimes amazing things that happen on the gaming table. We have all had those games where something just nuts happened and all we could think about was how cool that was. Its this reason why the very concept of creating heroes from gameplay even came about.

Creating a Hero in the Genesys Project is really a simple matter. After a game is resolved you may choose not to take the mission award you just received, and instead choose to create a hero from those models that played in the game. In reality you can create a new model, but hey, its a replacement and an upgrade rather than someone new.

Once you do this, new points are added, new characteristics are gained as well as access to some very unique and interesting Hero Traits. These allow you to do things like re-roll missions when rolling to discover your Primary Mission, new traits you qualify for, additional Increases to your Characteristics, getting a re-roll during each game round (re-rolls are almost unheard of in this game), and many more unique opportunities.

Heroes become wonderful for your games, whether they are fighting wrecking havoc among the enemy, or are at work along the back lines looking down upon the battlefield to command your forces.

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