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The Genesys Project is coming soon and we have teamed up with an incredibly knowledgeable individual. That person is Dave Taylor of Dave Taylor Miniatures.

Dave's experience working for a number of companies and with many of the big names in this industry makes him an excellent resource and manager to move forward. While it is very likely that the Genesys Project could launch on its own, bringing someone like Dave in avoids the many pitfalls that could occur not only in how to launch the game, but in it's execution and getting the books in your hands. Bringing Dave on board is a huge step in turning this game into reality and realizing the potential this game has to offer.

So I know this brings up a ton more questions........ and we will be answering them all very soon. The newsletters and site here will become a much busier place over the next few weeks.We will be talking about everything from when and how the Genesys Project will launch, publicity for the game, artwork, whats in the books, and much more. Things are already crazy and exciting on this end of the keyboard, and over the next few weeks you will be able to see just what we have in store for you.

So yes, we have dates now and later this week we will be going over them.


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