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There is a substantial update today on to v1.05

There is a lot in this including open testing and feedback for the following.......

  • Aerial Combat Rules
  • Arcane Constructs
  • Power Foci... Transformational and Ethereal. 
  • New Traits and updates, Shield Bash, Smash Attack, Loner, Ethereal Sight, Power Surge, and more. 
  • Lots of misc edits and updates as well from your feedback, suggestions and comments. 
Ive attempted to highlight updated or new sections in a dark red, to help playtesters find out what is new and what is not. I am sure that I did not get everything highlighted that was updated, but most of it should be easier to find.
A Look Ahead....
2nd Age Humanoids, and an Army Building App


  1. I do not understand how the Trait:
    Dwarven Technology: Dwarven Military Weapons -/60x

    Does that allows to take the usual Heavy Weapon up to 60 points without the additional Pre-Requisites?

    I could only find the rules for "normal" Heavy Weapons.

    1. Dwarven Technology is getting this upgrade where the trait grants Heavy Military Weapons, but still has a cost of 2pts to take the trait.

      Dwarven Technology 2/X pts (Armory): Heavy Military Weapons. X is dependent upon the weapon type.

  2. Regarding the value for Operation: x models:
    * Do I need to have at least x models to handle (move, shot) the weapon?
    * Are all x models occupied with operating the weapons?

    1. Yes, and yes. Any additional models in the squad can take other actions.

  3. Does a 'Loner' suffer the 'being in a group' penalty when using the War Dog Trait to add animal companions?

  4. Btw. i'm just posting her while working on a species, hope its ok, or do you prefere the feedback form?

    Page 17, Aberration Branch, Rage: It says Enhance Strength. Is this an Increase (does not stack with e.g. Giantisms Massive Strenght) or an Enhancement (stacks, but caps as ususal at the age bonus)?

    1. this is a good place. Rage gives an in-game Enhancement that also reduces mtn.

  5. Page 31, War Dogs: Each model may take War dogs.

    Do I understand this correctly:

    So, a squad with Dicipline 2 and a (for a given game point size and class combination) Squad Size multiplier x2, result in a squad that may consist of up 4 models with up to 8 war dogs in total.

    1. Edit: Page 31, War Dogs: Each model may take up to DISCIPLINE War dogs.

  6. Regarding the Traits: War Dogs, Animal Sentries, Monstrous Beasts. My understanding is:

    * Animal Sentries is an upgrade for your war dogs, you can't take both.

    * You can take Beasts and dogs/sentries. The Beast will not reduce the number of dogs/sentries a model can take.

    * Can Large (and larger) Size models ride Horses (probably not) or Beasts (maybe?) ?

    1. Sentries are an upgrade. Beasts that are not mounted will count towards a maximum "Companion" which will equal a models discipline.

      This is being updated currently and hopefully will go out to playtesters this week. You will be able to upgrade and customize your beasts and mounts better.

      So yes, Beasts, Wardogs, etc will count toward a models companion maximum.

      Flying Mounts and beasts are part of this update. (think hawks, eagles, griffons, etc.)

    2. * Can Large (and larger) Size models ride Horses (probably not) or Beasts (maybe?) ?

    3. Im behind on this update. Im adding a customizable beast/mount section, so that you can add attributes to mounts and beasts. (flying, large mounts (for large models).

      For the sake of building right now, horses (no), Beasts yes.

      The way it's working is starting with a base mount, or beast, and being able to add attributes (in the same way we customize weapons/vehicles/powers).

      The reason it is not done yet, because I am having to adjust the current existing Warhorse traits for this.

  7. Oh my! Here I am again...

    When did the effect of Craftsmanship X (lowering advanced weapons costs) takes effect?

    1. When the unit is part of the species creation (aka in the codex) or

    2. When this unit is part of the army for that game.

    If its (1), could I effectivly take a standard class with this trait and never field it?

    1. Craftsmanship has been in the ruleset for a quite awhile.

      Craftsmanship only lowers the cost of advanced weapon attributes. So a 10pt attributes would be lowered by X when creating or upgrading the advanced weapon.

  8. Dubdidu...

    Page 25, Anathema, how des this work exactly?

    Is this (a), an opposite day Religous Follower for the enemy (aka reducing his cast chance while within his 2x command range)?

    Or (b) something else?

    Also, page 17, Soul[l]ess: I assume this means:
    * Immunity against Arcane powers with the Ethearal Focus
    * Immunity aganst Fay-rie active? traits like Foresight and Precognition
    * But NOT immunity against passive traits like etheral jump.

    1. Soulless is being changed to this to bring it up to date.

      Soulless: A Soulless model is immune to ethereal weapons and the effects of ethereal powers (like dimension door, Enervating Bolt and Ethereal Blade). A model that is soulless cannot be used to channel, nor can the model use Arcane or Faith powers.

    2. Anathema X: A model with this ability makes channeling powers very difficult by increasing the difficulty of all powers by X, where X is the strength of the ability. Ananthema effects all powers as they are being channeled within the command radius of the model with Anathema.

  9. "WIll there ever be an end?"

    So regarding Combat Resolution and Saving throughs:

    * Diff in Tough Compared to Strength alters the CR for the Saving roll, correct. Do both stats also take Enhancements (aka ingame boni) into acount?

    * Same question for the saving roll (Toughness+d6 vs CR), do enhancements count?

    1. yes, enhancements are game bonuses that directly effect your Combat Resolution, and other game mechanics. The only thing to make certain of, is the use of primitive weapons does not allow for enhancements to be used.

    2. So, do I miss anything or does an increase in Toughness (with same strenght attack) does:
      A) reduce the CR by 1 and,
      B) Adds +1 to the saving throw (being Toughness+1d6 IIRC).

    3. Thus increasing T by one improves the effective save by +2, while increasing strength only 'reduces' the save chance by -1

    4. Digging deeper into the mechanics, yes. However, martial or ranged also greatly influence the CR as well on the other end. The characteristics are woven into the mechanics rather than being straight forward and blunt. This has allowed a greater influence from different abilities and in game situations.

      This becomes more apparent as the second age starts to unfold.

  10. I will be catching up here in the comments today "Monday". Sorry for the slow response this weekend.

    1. Thanks a lot for the update and patience!

      Some of the questions could I have answered myself, If you was more focused when reading the rules, sorry for that.

  11. Some random thouhts instead of annoying questions :P


    Comparing Primitive Spears with Primitive Weapons, just whant to be sure I did not miss something.

    ~ Spears have +1" threat range
    + Greater Range of 18" compared to 6"
    - Are two handed

    First, I thought, spears where superior in any espect, until I realised that I can use Common Shields with Primitive Weapons.

    I assume I can only equip a squad with one (1) primitive weapon, correct?

    Do I lose primitive weapon access when a model is equiped with a common weapon?
    Thus I can't take a sword (common weapon) and a primitive spear?
    I could only take a common melee weapon (4 pts per squad) and an additional common throwing weapon (for 2 pts per model), correct?

    Also, the military speat has a lower range (12") compared to the Primitive Spear (18"), I wonder why?

    Oh oh, by the way, can I use the "Group Bonus" when figthing unarmed and havong the unarmed figther trait? making unamred combat effectivly common melee weapon without the option to throw it?

    1. There are some adjustments already listed here for spears. The first being that Military Javilins are being added as the common throwing version of a spear with a greater range, while the primitive versions range has been reduced to 12"

      Couple things. No you do not loose the ability to take primitive weapons if you take a common weapon.

      second, Primitive weapons cannot apply in game bonuses for any reason. No enhancements.

      Then primitive spears take two hands to use therefore cannot use shields.

    2. Yes, you can use a group bonus for fighting unarmed.

    3. "second, Primitive weapons cannot apply in game bonuses for any reason. No enhancements. "

      Ah, that's an important part. Thanks for clearing that up (twice, shame on me).

  12. Page 20, High Priest is a Class only trait while page 27 notes how it works when taken as a species trait?

    Or does the class only trait only applies to the Priestly Vessel 2 ability?

    1. It is a class trait only. Ill update this with the next update.

  13. Hey Natfka, If i took the enviromental mutation aberrations, and the secondary trait immunity, would my race/species be unable to use ethereal powers/effects?

    1. sorry, I had thought I had answered this already, but apparently did not.

      Soulless are prevented (in the next update), but resistances/immunities are not.

    2. Also if I took Chain Mail in Species creation, would my classes still have to pay for it or would they equip it free of charge?

    3. Also can class traits transfer from standard to Elite, when basing an Elite class off of a Standard class?

    4. If you take chainmail during species creation, your entire race has access to the armor, not just the class. Yes, you still pay to equip it, but the advantage is that any of your classes already have access to it.

      If you use a standard class to create an elite one, you start off with all the traits and abilities that come with the standard class.

    5. Can I make an Elite class off of another Elite class?

    6. No you can't. I know it says specifically what you can build the unit classes from.
      standard classes: from Base species
      elite classes: from standard/ base
      Leaders: from base/standard/ elite
      Unique: from Base/ Standard/ elite/ Leader

  14. Regarding the advanced weapons, if i get the 5 pts and 10 pts variant can I build a 5 point version and upgrade this with 10pts, resulting in 2 entries to choose in the Armory?

  15. Regarding slaves, can I create further classes that derive from the standard slave class? e.g Elite Slaves (so too say), or even slave leaders?

    1. No you can't currently. Because slaves are cheaper in points it can become abusive. Although you can do a race background and the way you designed them or want slaves or are an army designed around being slaves.

      Do not put it past me in the future though to expand upon this. But for right now and play testing you cannot build off of a slave class

    2. I understand. But the standard class slave slt still can choose a single class trait as usual for standard clases?

    3. they are not supposed to currently. They are meant to be lowly slaves, but perhaps this will be an area to expand into at a later date, as there does seem to be more than a few people that would like this expanded.

      There are several areas that will be expanded upon to create a lot more depth, like each of the variants, the armory, etc.

      I quite promise that there is enough material to expand upon..... moving the game from beta to a final version, to expansions.

  16. What traits do I need to (can) take, to have extremes advanced ranged weapons?

    Is it enougth to take Advanced Rifle/Pistol (pg. 23), granting Advanced 5 (Ranged) and Masterwork Firearms, granting Advanced 10 (Ranged, Extremes) resulting in 15 points, enough to get one level of extremes attribute. Or do ALL traits need the extermis trait?

    1. Masterwork Firearms and advanced rifle/pistol are all you need for 15pts of attributes. I need to get in there and remove the extremes notation.

  17. page 40, Flintlock rifle: "A Flintlock rifle that is mounted or propped up on a wall or similar, receives a +1 R(c) when firing."

    Does +1 R(c) mean that it increases the ranged attack combat resolution AFTER it was checked to be a hit? So effectively its Enhancement Strength 1?

    1. whoa, R(c) is an old term not used currently. It stood for Ranged Combat in a previous version of the rules.

      What it means now though is Enhancement Ranged 1.

  18. Page 16, Poinson Bile: Is the poison 1 ability applied to any melee (and/or ranged) weapon or only to unarmed melee attacks?

  19. I think we had this question when additional traits costed x2, but to be sure:

    Page 34, Additional Traits: When taking a species variant, do I add the +3pts to the additional trait too or only for the initial, 2nd trait?

    1. only on the first trait, as the extra variant trait is just a bonus. So only pay it once.

  20. Do AoE attacks that target mounted models hit the rider AND the mount? I assume yes.


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