There is a great year ahead of us coming into 2020 and I could not be more excited. The Genesys Project books are getting printed up and there is just so much coming for the game that I just cannot wait to jump into and get released to everyone. …
There is a great year ahead of us coming into 2020 and I could not be more excited. The Genesys Project books are getting printed up and there is just so much coming for the game that I just cannot wait to jump into and get released to everyone. …
It's November 30th, and the Backerkit Pre-Order store is closing at in about midnight tonight... my time PST. So as this is being written its about 17 hours away, 12 hours if you are getting this through email. So its your chance to jump in on the game now. …
It's the Holiday Season officially here in a day or so with Black Friday specials everywhere. I wanted to remind backers and others that this is the last chance to pick up their Genesys Project Core Rules and Birth of Genesys: 1st Age at Kickstarter prices. The Backerkit pre-orders will end on Satu…
This was done a few weeks ago for the Genesys Project and is now live! Podcast interview with Paint All The Minis. Great conversation about the game and it's origins. …
Only 8 Days Left to get The Genesys Project books, Birth of Genesys and the Core Rules at Kickstarter Prices. Offensive power of high strength attacks vs skill with weapon and shield. Why and how does this play out so differently in the Genesys Project …
9 Days left of The Genesys Project being available to pre-order through Backerkit. Thought I would talk about one of my favorite core mechanics for the Genesys Project. Melee Combat. Over all melee combat in through most games is a manner of rolling dice, looking at my massive number of re-rolls, a…
There are 10 days left on Backerkit for the Genesys Project pre-orders. This will end the Kickstarter prices for the game, so it's time to show you a little bit of what you are getting with game. First off the link to get involved now. https://the-genesys-project.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders …
The latest updates and progress on The Genesys Project! …
There are many themes you can make with The Genesys Project and one of the early days factions created was a unique Werewolf Slave Army. So I figured it was time to re-create it and see just how it plays out in dedication to the Holiday. …
Today as we approach Halloween I thought I would share some fun scary builds from The Genesys Project to show off the game system. Today we are looking at the a horde army based upon an never ending horde of skeletal creatures to really wreck havoc upon the your enemies. …
An Introduction into The Genesys Project and it's rules. Create your Faction, customize your equipment, spells, vehicles and more. Then take them to the game table to create an epic narrative campaign where Heroes are not made, but created through gameplay. Pre-Orders for the Core Rules and Birth o…
There is so much getting done. The Core Rules have been through final editing and we are in the middle of the final editing for the Birth of Genesys- 1st Age. While all this is going on factions are being created that will be included in the Core Rules! I have 3 of them complete and a fourth very c…
The Genesys Project is all about creating your own factions and nothing takes it as far as creating your own Spell-Casters. Lucky for us there is not just magic in this game, or just psychic power... There is so much more more. It's time to talk about Casters within The Genesys Project who channel …
We are going full bore with the Genesys Project and already seeing several types of magic in use and the game is still in pre-order! In the Genesys Project we call spells or spell like powers simply "Powers", and whoa do they have a myriad of available powers that can be accessed in the game. …
preview WIP The Genesys Project is moving along at a fantastic pace and in some areas we are ahead of where I thought we would be! Really quite amazing at this point. So what is going on? …
The first preview for The Genesys Project: Core Rules cover art is in. The image is a wrap around cover so what you see on the right is the front cover and on the left is the back cover. Our Logo the Infinity Triangle is in the center with the 1st Age represented at the top, the 2nd Age along the …
As you know we have been continuing the Stretch Goals from the Kickstarter through our Pre-Order Store and Backerkit. With that in mind we have already surpassed the next Stretch Goal and are moving onwards towards our last and final one. …
We are currently at the Nova Open and living it up with everyone here in Arlington Virginia. Its an amazing event where we are doing game demos and showing off just how we create the factions to play the game. …
The Genesys Project has just now launched its Pledge Manager and Pre-Order Store. If you missed out its now a good time to go and see what the game is all about. The Pledge Manager is actually up right on time for the Nova Open where we will be doing demos in the Vendor Hall at the bottom of the es…
Just over 48 hours left and we passed our Stretch Goal adding additional content for the Humanoids.Remarkable, and I will be jumping on it right away. With so little time left, its the perfect opportunity to jump in and back the project. Here is your link. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thege…
For anyone on the fence or just getting introduced to the project there is a lot of new information highlighting the rules and creation of your faction in the many updates we have been doing on the Kickstarter. The Genesys Project Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thegenesysproject/t…
We are approaching the final days of the Kickstarter and showing off our final updates in the next few days. There has been a ton of information given to really highlight the game and its worth while to share with as many people as you can. There are 4 days left! We are successfully funded and push…
The Genesys Project Kickstarter Update #19 Here we look ahead towards the 3rd Age of The Genesys Project to see just how we can modify and customize Mecha and Powered Armor. There is plenty more there as well, including Cybernetics, Bionics, Robotics, Expanded Vehicle Design for the 3rd Age and mo…
PREVIEW: VEHICLE DESIGN IN THE 2nd AGE The 2nd Age will bring The Genesys Project up to modern times and into the near future. Along with that will come new concepts and options for all Five Domains. One of the primary design elements of the 2nd Age is being able to design your tanks and vehicles f…
The Birth of Genesys Kickstarter Update #17 PRIMER: LET’S CREATE A FACTION It is now time for us to create a faction, to get the feel for just how this works! Let’s dive in and create a Humanoid Faction and we begin with the Starting Characteristics. Humanoid Starting Characteristics Strength: 2 …
Update #15: The Genesys Project https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thegenesysproject/the-genesys-project-the-birth-of-genesys …
The latest update delves into the magical realm of spell casting. Update #15: The Genesys Project Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thegenesysproject/the-genesys-project-the-birth-of-genesys …
Update #14 for The Genesys Project Kickstarter this time including the last of the Domain Primers on how to create your factions. To find out more about the current (successfully funded) Kickstarter and dive in to support the project, just follow the link here. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/…
PRIMER: CREATING REPTILIA The Reptilia are tied to ancient lineages tracing back to the Great Leviathan that once protected the Genesys Worlds. These lineages provide the varied forms of Reptilia found in The Genesys Project. Join and Support The Genesys Project at the link here https://www.kicksta…
Kickstarter Update #12- Support the Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thegenesysproject/the-genesys-project-the-birth-of-genesys PRIMER: CREATING INSEKTS We are jumping ahead to the Insekts these have not been covered as thoroughly as the other Domains. Both the Biests and the Insekt…
The Next Update for The Genesys Project: Creating Biests PRIMER: CREATING BIESTS While Biests are not the second or even the third Domain presented in the book, they are perhaps the most closely related to Humanoids with distinct differences on how they are created and sometimes even how they play.…
PRIMER: CREATING HUMANOIDS Humanoids are the first Domain in the Birth of Genesys and by a lot of accounts one of the most popular. Rightly so they include not just humans, but Giants, Dwarves, and Elves and a myriad of other variants that give Humanoids a very flexible and varied build. …
PRIMER: CREATING YOUR FACTION The signature aspect of The Genesys Project is customization and nothing shows it more than when you are creating your faction. Many playtesters spend a lot time creating different factions, just for the fun of doing it! Of course, then getting them to choose one to pl…
Another primer on exactly how The Genesys Project is played. I am hope you are excited for these, as we will continue to have new ones through all of next week! Specifically on some of the differences between the Domains. …
These are very cool and fun options that would be great to expand the Birth of Genesys Into. Whether it's hunting down abominations from your society, expanding upon Military Weapons such as cannons or even a Scorpio, there are some great things ahead for the Genesys Project. Check out the latest a…
The Genesys Project needs your support! The project is moving forward successfully and now is the time to jump in and show just what this game will become. We are making great progress with lots of updates and new information coming later today! For now........ New Concept Artwork for the Genesys P…
The Genesys Project Kickstarter went live earlier today and along with it a free downloadable preview of the rules for creating a Humanoid Faction. The preview itself is actually quite sizeable and flexible giving you a good look into the depth and details of creating our own faction within the Gen…
It is finally that time. 6 years of development, 14 months of Open Beta, and so much time and effort invested into concept, playtesting, and fine tuning the rulesets... we are here. The Genesys Project is now live on Kickstarter. You support is needed to launch this game to really push it to the fu…
The Birth of Genesys is the beginning of the Genesys Project. This is the 1st Age. We have planned through this extensively with detailed plans to move through all three Ages of the Genesys Project. This will allow for players joining us to take the Birth of Genesys and have just the right amount o…
The first age is the Birth of Genesys, where the races struggle to gain a foothold on the Genesys Worlds, engaging in conflicts with other species both new new and ancient. Its an age of violence and growth, where the fight for survival and dominance is an everyday event. …
One of the hardest things to do inside the Genesys Project is to decide what to do with your faction. Lets make that decision a little easier..... There are 5 Domains of Life. You must select one; Humanoids, The Fey, Reptilia, Biests, or the Insekt. …
Heroes are Born from Gameplay is a common phrase in the office here at Genesys Games. This is something of a bit of pride as we get to make heroes of our own from the sometimes amazing things that happen on the gaming table. We have all had those games where something just nuts happened and all we …
We are working on a detailed guide for making your faction. This will include insight from the Open Beta, personal experience from our In-House Playtesters and some things you might not have thought about before when making your faction. …
"It was round 6 and I was going last, but if I just had one more round....... I would of had my objectives" We've all been there. In the last round of the game you really don't care anymore if your guys break from cover... after all the opponent is done and after your turn the game will be over. Ca…
What will be available for the Genesys Project Kickstarter coming up in a few weeks? Lets take a look. …
Things are just getting going for the Genesys Project launch. Less than one week into it there is already a ton of information flowing on what is happening on a nearly day by day basis, podcasts interviews are being recorded, banners made, promotional material getting distributed and much more. So …
The Fey are our second look at the Domains found with the Genesys Project. Out of all the Life Domains in the Genesys Project the Fey are the most mysterious and deviate the most in how they are created in comparison to the other domains. …
Its been busy here at Genesys Games (home of the Genesys Project), and I can tell you right now that the excitement is building for our launch. Here is your first preview.... that you get to see first here on this blog and newsletter. …
The Genesys Project will go live on July 12th... that's a Friday. We are fully on schedule to do so. Lots of things are getting ramped up for this. There are 5 Domains of Life in the Genesys Project. These domains are where you start to build your faction and each domain creates their factions diff…
The primary feature of The Genesys Project is that you get to design your own faction. You get to decide which miniatures you are going to use, what special rules will come with your faction, and how it plays. You get to customize your own faction. …
We are getting set up for the upcoming launch of the Genesys Project and some questions that have been coming up with podcasters and interviewers is just how you progress and "level up" you faction. So lets dive into that a little here. …