Latest News

Its been busy here at Genesys Games (home of the Genesys Project), and I can tell you right now that the excitement is building for our launch. Here is your first preview.... that you get to see first here on this blog and newsletter.

While these are up, our promotions and official promotions do not start until Monday.

New Sites/Pages for the Genesys Project

Genesys Games LLC
You can find all the links to the others here on the site. Let us know how the navigation is.... Easy to get around? etc. More pages and information will be coming here.
The Genesys Project
Information on the game. Of course more is coming, but this is a great place to start if you are new to the game, or just want to see what is going on.

Genesys Games Facebook
Not a lot there yet, but come over and like us if you get a chance to show your early support. This will be a great place to see what is going on.

Genesys Games YouTube
Just getting this going this week, but the site is ready to go. Video work is going on starting Monday.


  1. Nice page, looking forward to the kickstarter

    1. cant believe I spelled Genesys Incorrectly on some of the pages lol. been fixing that for the last little while.

      Yea, lots of cool things coming.. Starting off with Podcasts and supporting companies.. Most excellent list.


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