It's the End of One Year... and the Beginning of 2019. As you already know The Genesys Project will be going live early this year, and I have a reveal for you...... …
It's the End of One Year... and the Beginning of 2019. As you already know The Genesys Project will be going live early this year, and I have a reveal for you...... …
Its quite obvious we are getting closer to heading to the release of the Genesys Project. However there is a an announcement that I wanted to let out before the end of the year. The first books released for the game will be..... …
The Genesys Project is moving rapidly towards its release very early in 2019. With that in mind here at the Genesys Project there will be a big announcement coming next week. While I don't venture in giving hints right now for just what it will be..... it will be big news for fans of the project. T…
Heroes and Characters are born the games you play in the Genesys Projectd from exchanging out your Primary Mission reward to create a character. Since rewards can be held for later, this allows you to really create a Hero from a model or squad that did something epic or cool on the tabletop. The be…
How the Genesys Project works is a completely new system for most players. Im here to put forth the concepts today to really make it all much easier. In fact creating your faction is not all that difficult. Now creating the exact faction you want or exploring all the options that sit before you can…
Playtest night for The Genesys Project is always a ton of fun and I thought it would be interesting to see exactly what was going on for Last Nights Playtesting. Here is an inside Look! Last night was game testing, which often means 1-3 tables set up for the in-house crew, and we were running light…
Really couldn't help it this morning with the Lord of the Rings title. Whether it's a quick Skirmish game you want to play, a solid battle, or even a massive epic conflict on the tabletop, the Genesys Project does it, all within a single game. …
While we have looked at some fun things for Genesys Project focused on Halloween themes, I have been avoiding the biggest one of all. Found below is the one trait that goes beyond the the mortal world and breaks the chains or reality. Here those possessed and transformed into demons, consumed by ma…
Lycanthropy comes in several forms in the Genesys Project. It may be a curse, from genetic heritage, or even as a disease inflicting your forces or hero. Lycanthropes have been a favorite for some time with in house testers dating all the way back to before the Open Beta when we had a tester show u…
Halloween decorations are going up and kids and adults everywhere are getting their costumes ready for parties or trick or treating. With Halloween just a little over a week away lets just into the theme of things that go bump in the night. First Up..... Zombies.... Yes is the answer to the questio…
What would it be like without the ability to create monsters for your faction....... yea, boring in fact. Well lucky for you the Genesys Project allows you to do just that... create Monstrous Beasts that can be used as shock troops, mounts, or however you need them to work. Did I mention you can im…
There are quite a few differences between the what has been finalized for the release of the Genesys Project and what the rules were during the Open Beta. So if you are new to this.... and I know some of you are realize that the Open Beta closed back in March, although the rules are still available…
Looking deeper into the mechanics of the Genesys Project we look at just how important gaining the advantage over your opponent is during the Combat Situation. The Combat Situation is a part of the combat mechanics where all the in game situational bonuses are tallied up for both sides of the attac…
This interview is being redone.... stay tuned for more. There was some technical issues. I will make certain we get a link to it when its ready. In the meantime if you know of another podcast that wants to do an interview, send them my way. …
There is a lot that has either changed, been altered or added to since the Open Beta for the Genesys Project ended back in March. In fact we are in the process of getting ready for the games launch and its great fun to actually sit down and look at some of the mechanics of the game!!!! One of the …
While the news has been quiet lately there has been a lot going on for the Genesys Project..... and I wanted to give you a quick update. …
With a slight delay we are wrapping up our Norkraag Mountain Dwarves. What we have left to do is finalize our Leader and Unique classes. With the delay, I actually took this army to the tabletop in a 500pts game as well, and I will let you know the results below.... It was quite fun, and I think a …
After the tough decisions of creating your faction the unit classes always tend to be a little easier of a choice. Today we are diving into the creation of our army, the NorKraag, to see if we can take a large collection of miniatures from Atlantis Miniatures, and make a faction out of them. …
Once your idea or concept is ready to go, I always find the hardest part is creating the faction. Its the foundation for the rest of your army and while the Unit Classes you will create will be the models you field in your games, Creating the Faction is how you get there. Makings of an Army Part 1 …
There are several ways to go about making an army for The Genesys Project, whether you already have existing models, plan on converting something you already have dreamed up, or have seen some very cool miniatures on the market from someone (like Atlantis Miniatures) you would love to get into the …
Update: I just updated this file. An older version had appeared, and this is the updated file. Today we are releasing a new Faction Creation Sheet. This is a beta version of what in house testers have are using. Its a Pdf form that is fillable, so it can be either printed and used, or simply downlo…
Its time to catch everyone up on what is going on, especially as we are going line by line through the Rules here to refine and polish the game. In the meantime I thought we would throw out something needed for the Core Rules and other Domain books as we look past the Open Beta. …
Its been a while coming to finally get out the last couple Life Domains to the Open Beta rules, but they are finally here. You can now build factions with all the 5 Life Domains that will be available when the game is launched. Of course you will be able to play through all three Ages of the Genesy…
Continuing our Battle from yesterday................ …
Two forces come together for a 2nd Age match up........... Here is your chance to really see how the The Genesys Project is played, some of it's features, and how your customizable factions hit the field. …
Emails have been sent out to many people regarding playtesting, based on what each person said they were interested in when they registered. I wanted to give a break down of what to expect as we move forward out of the Open Beta Playtest and towards the release of the game. …
Its been a little while since there has been updates, that does not mean that work on the Genesys Project has stopped, or even slowed down. We have been taking notes and results sent in, either directly or though the forms on TheGenesysProject.com. 2017 was a great year for the Genesys Project and …