Latest News

I want to welcome a great number of people that have signed up for the Genesys Project. The additional input and comments are extremely helpful to push Genesys Project forward in order for it it to fulfill the potential the game has laid out before it.

There is always a great number of things going on behind the scenes with the game, including weekly and bi-weekly skype meetings and in house playtesting. With nearly 4,000 people showing an interest in the game and approaching 300 playtesters around the world, and your comments and questions, there is a lot more happening on a daily basis that I could of ever imagined.

Now down to business.

The Humanoid Primarius and Core Rules v1.08
There is a series of updates coming to the Genesys Project, which includes additional options for Exotic Beasts, where attributes can be selected to upgrade mounts, animal sentries, and their like. Also coming are some adjustments to aerial combat, arcane powers, and many additional clarifications that are coming. There will be an announcement when these are live, but my goal is to have these updates in for the weekend.


  1. Cannot wait! Have you out any thought to opening up a web forum? Or is there one and I'm just too blind to see the link? Lol

    1. I know we have talked about getting one going and perhaps its time to do so now.

      We have a very busy timeline, and getting it set, and moving forward to achieve it has been a huge priority.

      Just a heads up on whats being worked on,
      2nd Age for Humanoids, a beta print copy for the core rules, and the next Life Domain (Reptilia).

      This update v1.08 for the Humanoid Primarius includes Arc attacks, flying mounts, Javelins, refinements to coordinated attacks, new weapons options that can be used one or two handed (like longswords), dirty fighting techniques, and more.

    2. "dirty fighting techniques", count me in!

      By the way, I would love some summary tables, e.g. for the available weapon options.

      I started making some in drive:

    3. I took a look at these. A good start to lay out the options for weapons.


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