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Updates are Live! Humanoid Primarius 2nd Age v2.1 
Updates are Live! Humanoid Primarius 2nd Age v2.1

The updates for the 2nd Age Humanoid Primarius are now live, and you can download that will. This is the first update to the 2nd Age beta for Humanoids, and there will be more coming. I know I have been asked, and just so everyone is aware, Powers are not updated this time around, although we will …

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The Genesys Project Create a Faction and Event News
The Genesys Project Create a Faction and Event News

A couple Important things to briefly go over today, starting with the Create a Faction Contest. The winner has been selected, and due to inclement weather and holidays killing several in-house playtest sessions, the announcement took longer to happen. There were several factions that were tested an…

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2nd Age Humanoid Primarius Release
2nd Age Humanoid Primarius Release

Available now is the long awaited 2nd Age update for the Humanoid Primarius. In in are rules for Cybernetics, Vehicle Design, Robotics, and much more. The second age takes us into and beyond our real life modern times, taking your factions to the brink of the Apocalypse and beyond. …

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Vehicle Design and Customization Primer Part 1: The Genesys Project
Vehicle Design and Customization Primer Part 1: The Genesys Project

The Genesys Project is about putting your armies under your own control, not just on what you field on the tabletop, but with a level of unprecedented design control over what your army's abilities and units have and the equipment they use. Ever wish your favorite gun for your army had a little lon…

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