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The Fey are coming, and while there are a few hang ups delaying it a little, Im projecting that we will see it live Monday. That said, we will be looking for your feedback once released through the week and following weekend.

There will however be a delay in one area in particular, and that is powers. The Fey have very Flexible powers that you can adjust the effects of during the game. This area is taking longer than normal to update and get hammered out. So expect this area to come a week later.

Once we have all of this, we will be looking at doing the Create a Faction Contest for the Fey. So do not worry, you have not missed it yet. The Create a Faction Contest is a month long event that will take a look at all the Factions for the Fey that you submit. In the end, one faction will be chosen that will from the submissions and that faction will be the faction we use at Demo's and eventually to be part of our starter sets. Of course your name will be attached to it as well and credited for the creation of the Faction.


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