Continuing our Battle from yesterday................ …
2nd Age Battle Report: 1,000pts...... The Encryptors vs the Seishin
Two forces come together for a 2nd Age match up........... Here is your chance to really see how the The Genesys Project is played, some of it's features, and how your customizable factions hit the field. …
The Future of Playtesting and Contributing to the Genesys Project

Emails have been sent out to many people regarding playtesting, based on what each person said they were interested in when they registered. I wanted to give a break down of what to expect as we move forward out of the Open Beta Playtest and towards the release of the game. …
Updates, and a Look Ahead for the Genesys Project

Its been a little while since there has been updates, that does not mean that work on the Genesys Project has stopped, or even slowed down. We have been taking notes and results sent in, either directly or though the forms on 2017 was a great year for the Genesys Project and …