The Genesys Project Updates: 2nd Age Fey Preview page! Create a Faction Coming The Genesys Project Updates: 2nd Age Fey Preview page! Create a Faction Coming

Its one of those odd weekends, and I wanted to get out a preview for the playtesters and those that are just getting into the Genesys Pro...

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8:00 AM

Contributions and Upcoming Releases Contributions and Upcoming Releases

The Genesys Project is in high gear coming off of our first public demos at the Nova Open. There is a lot that has happened, including ...

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10:39 PM

2nd Age Preview: The Power of the Fey, Gain a new level of Customization 2nd Age Preview: The Power of the Fey, Gain a new level of Customization

The Fey do not evolve as the Humanoids do in the 2nd Age of the Genesys Project. Nor do they simply get additional traits and powers with...

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8:59 AM

Fey Create a Faction Contest Winner: The Cyhyraeth Fey Create a Faction Contest Winner: The Cyhyraeth

Its long overdue but we have a winner now for the Fey Create a Faction contest. Its been quite the delay to getting the results for this...

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10:51 PM

Creating Your Faction is Now Easier! Creating Your Faction is Now Easier!

Earlier today.... or perhaps it was yesterday, the new Create a Faction Reference Sheets went up on the site and are available for downl...

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10:44 PM

The Genesys Project Hits the Nova Open The Genesys Project Hits the Nova Open

The Nova Open was the first public demonstrations of the Genesys Project showing off its mechanics and possibilities. It was an amazing s...

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3:48 PM