It's November 30th, and the Backerkit Pre-Order store is closing at in about midnight tonight... my time PST. So as this is being written its about 17 hours away, 12 hours if you are getting this through email. So its your chance to jump in on the game now. …
Last Few Days of Pre-Orders are Here! November 30th 11:59 pm PST + New Preview Pics

It's the Holiday Season officially here in a day or so with Black Friday specials everywhere. I wanted to remind backers and others that this is the last chance to pick up their Genesys Project Core Rules and Birth of Genesys: 1st Age at Kickstarter prices. The Backerkit pre-orders will end on Satu…
Interview Podcast with Paint All The Minis
This was done a few weeks ago for the Genesys Project and is now live! Podcast interview with Paint All The Minis. Great conversation about the game and it's origins. …
Offensive Power vs Skill and Defense- *8 Days Left*

Only 8 Days Left to get The Genesys Project books, Birth of Genesys and the Core Rules at Kickstarter Prices. Offensive power of high strength attacks vs skill with weapon and shield. Why and how does this play out so differently in the Genesys Project …
The Intricacies of Combat- Charging Across the Battlefield.

9 Days left of The Genesys Project being available to pre-order through Backerkit. Thought I would talk about one of my favorite core mechanics for the Genesys Project. Melee Combat. Over all melee combat in through most games is a manner of rolling dice, looking at my massive number of re-rolls, a…
Just 10 Days Left for Kickstarter Prices

There are 10 days left on Backerkit for the Genesys Project pre-orders. This will end the Kickstarter prices for the game, so it's time to show you a little bit of what you are getting with game. First off the link to get involved now. …
The Latest Updates and Reveals from The Genesys Project

The latest updates and progress on The Genesys Project! …